Ria's Book Blog

Gallagher Girls

Gallagher Girls

August 4, 2020

When I first read the Gallagher Girls, I loved it so much that I finished it in less than a week! And that was just two weeks ago...

I know it’s targeted towards tweens, and I’m turning eightween soon, but it was still awesome! I don’t get deeply invested in very many books and it’s been SO long since I genuinely fell in love with a series while I was reading it.

I liked Macey’s character arc where she went from a bratty heiress to one of Cammie’s best friends. The dynamic between Cammie, Bex, Macey, and Liz was well developed.

**I will add more later!**

I really liked how Ally Carter didn’t pair Cammie with Josh. He always seemed a little boring and a distraction for Cammie from her schoolwork and friends. He was also the first person she ever dated—and a lot of YA books fall into the idea of first love lasting which isn’t very realistic, so I liked that it didn’t work out.

Also, team Zach/Zammie is way better!! Mysterious spy-guy is much more fun to read about than basically anything else.