Ria's Book Blog



August 13, 2020

Geekerella might be the MOST cringey book I have ever read (!) Honestly, some of these meet-cute type stories get by just by being cute (like Tweet Cute, Tell Me Three Things). Geekerella couldn’t even get that right.

All the ‘veiled’ Cinderella references in this book were cringey too. Elle works in a taco(?) truck called The Magic Pumpkin. Her best (and only) friend is a green haired girl called Sage. I mean no points to Ashley Poston for subtlety.

Elle and Darrien’s text conversations didn’t feel genuine at all, and it made NO sense how they developed feelings for each other from their sparse exchanges. The “falling in love” stage was so unrealistic and underdeveloped that it just took away any points for cuteness it may have gotten. This book really made me hate the word “Ah’Blena” which is supposed to translate to “You are my heart” in Starfield. Neither the writing nor the plot or characters in this book were impactful or even realistic.

Also it’s not super believable that hot movie star with insured abs (wtf? Why would you do that?) is also super down to earth. Like c’mon even I have a bigger ego than he did.

Even the whole Starfield fandom didn’t appeal to me. Like I sympathize with Elle who’s obviously loves it (it is called GEEKerella) but Starfield just felt like a Star Wars ripoff (and I don’t even like Star Wars, so). The quote “Look at the stars. Aim. Ignite” sounded cool tho.

The writing wasn’t good either. I can’t pinpoint what exactly it was but it felt juvenile or like someone writing a fanfic. And it didn’t help that the plot was boring.

The only nice thing I can say about this book is that it had a REALLY pretty cover.