Ria's Book Blog

A Sesame Street Romance

August 24, 2020

**The Princess of Mrowtown has requested to keep her identity anonymouse, so from this point on, I will be referring to her as Princess Rainflower.

We’ve all been wondering about Sesame Street’s It couple. I know I have! This article reveals exactly what the relationship between Prince Elmo of Labland and Princess Rainflower of Mrow-Town is, with steamy details as well as insider interviews!!

The pair’s first public sighting was when they (allegedly) robbed an invaluable Capablanca painting (yes, he was a famous chess player AND an artist) from the Louvre in late July. There is an ongoing investigation lead by the head of the FBI, Ria, who has a criminology degree from UCSD about the case. But many speculate that this elaborate plan may have been more of a romantic getaway.

Earlier this month, Prince Elmo and Princess Rainflower were sighted as a couple at the Sesame Street Dance. That was all very classified and we’re still trying to leak pictures from the night of the couple together!

Since then, the two have been pursuing a long-distance relationship, as Prince Elmo is visiting some family in Norway. However, we did manage to get a snippet of the adorable postcard he sent Princess Rainflower from there. How adorable!

When asked about their relationship, Princess Rainflower confided that they’ve been playing online chemistry games such a Little Alchemy 2 together from a website that facilitates online dating.

Well, I hope the best for Prince Elmo and Princess Rainflower’s relationship. I think I speak for all of Sesame Street when I say we’re all rooting for a Royal Wedding!

**some details of this page may or may not be fabricated