Ria's Book Blog

The Thousandth Floor

August 25, 2020

The first time I read The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee was around three years ago. I don’t remember much besides that I only had a couple of characters I was rooting for. I tried reading it again last week, and I couldn’t even get past page 100.

I just didn’t like it. The main characters were all pretty annoying.

Avery Fuller is genetically engineering to be perfect (which ironically means she’s blonde with blue eyes?) and is super rich so she’s basically living the dream life. However, she is miserable because she’s in love with her adopted brother, Atlas?? I mean that was pretty weird, even if its not technically incest...

Leda Cole, another rich girl who’s a main character, starts off being relatable (as relatable as someone who overdosed on some pretty strong stuff because she got rejected by Atlas and got sent to rehab) but then just somehow turns straight-up evil?? I guess she’s the villain of the series after this.

Watt Bakradi is some kinda tech genius who built a quantum computer and put it in his brain (he called the computer Nadia). He works for Leda to stalk Atlas to make a little extra cash. He also somehow falls for her which is annoying because he seemed like a decent guy and Leda is mostly despicable.

Rylin Myers’ story is basically like a Cinderella story. She works as a maid for Cord. He’s rich, she’s poor, they like each other and then hurt each other. As far as I remember, this was cute at the beginning but then just got annoying because of how much they were keeping from each other.

Eris-Dodd Radson is also a rich girl who suddenly turns poor because she takes a DNA test and her rich dad realizes she’s not his daughter. Her relationship with Mariel was the only one I could root for, because it was pretty genuine as compared to the others’.

The idea behind each book is that in the prologue, it tells you that one of your MC’s dies, and you don’t know which one till the epilogue. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT It was EXTREMELY annoying that the only character I genuinely rooted for was this person for the Thousandth Floor. Leda pushes Eris off of the Thousandth floor (and apparently they’re half-sisters?). Also, I was curious for who died in The Glittering Heights and The Towering Sky, so I looked it up. Apparently, Nadia killed Mariel in the Glittering Heights?? How does a quantum computer do that… And in The Towering Sky Avery fake dies.

One of the things I didn’t like about The Thousandth Floor is just how superficial and full of themselves the rich kids are. Also, basically all the characters casually do drugs. It was annoying. I mean maybe it’s more common in a futuristic world but give it a break with the halluci-lighters and xenperheidren!

Ooh I do want to say that the covers of all the books are gorgeous!! When I got the book from the library I was just admiring the metallic cover and the art inside because it’s soo pretty!!

Maybe the series got better later on but honestly I didn’t really feel like wasting my time on it.