Ria's Book Blog

The Folk of The Air Trilogy

August 23, 2020

The Folk of the Air trilogy by Holly Black which includes The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King, and the Queen of Nothing was pretty amazing. Although it has some flaws, the pace and tone of the book was completely enthralling. I literally couldn’t put it down without some persuasion.

And I’m also VERY excited about the companion book coming out on November (24!) called How the High King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stores. So yeah, I’m basically a fan now. But I would like to point out that I’m not obsessed enough with this series to read her older series set in the Faerie world following the life of Kaye. When I finished the Gallagher Girls, I was so desperate for more that I read every other YA book by Ally Carter AND went on Wattpad to read fanfiction AND listened to the prequel only available in audiobook format (!)

Undoubtedly one of the MAJOR reasons this series has such a huge fanbase is because of Prince Cardan. The main character, Jude Duarte who’s a mortal living in a world of faeries, is also interesting but not nearly as much of a selling point. Jude and Cardan have one of the most satisfying enemies-to-lovers stores I’ve ever read. Cardan starts off seeming like SUCH a cruel prince (pun intended :) that I immediately doubted if he was worthy of being Jude’s love interest. It was obvious that’s how it would go but I was just apprehensive because of how toxic it felt. I liked this quote by him when he dismissed Taryn, who was warning Jude to be more respectful to him (because he’s a prince and all), “Go already. Stop boring us both.” His redemption arc is a little doubtful but the fact that the reader wants it badly makes up for however unrealistic it may be.

Their rivalry is pretty satisfying to read about though—especially because the reader suspects that they have buried feelings for each other. That’s another thing about this book—the characters always act the way that would be most satisfying to the reader (like in a fanfic, guilty pleasure sorta way), instead of acting how real people in that situation would. For example, Prince Cardan tells Jude, “Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop.” I’m not complaining, but still.

Locke was just such an annoying character. It was obvious he wasn’t endgame and clearly, he wasn’t that important to Jude either, even though she didn’t realize it at the time. I mean, who falls for a guy who says he likes you, “Because you’re like a story that hasn’t happened yet. Because I want to see what you will do. I want to be part of the unfolding of the tale.” I wish Jude had gotten revenge on him but Taryn murdering him was pretty good revenge too.

This series was quite similar to the Court of Thorns and Roses Series, even in the world building, but it was different enough to make it stand out in its own merit. Go check it out! Also the fanart is pretty amazing.