Ria's Book Blog

The Fixer Duology

September 17, 2020

The Fixer duology by Jennifer Lynn Barnes includes The Fixer and The Long Game. I would’ve never heard about this series if my sister wasn’t having a Jennifer Lynn Barnes phase (she just finished the Naturals series…) since it’s not particularly well known. I guess I liked it; Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ writing style is consistent and pretty decent.

Unfortunately, other readers must have not felt the same way because Barnes said that she wouldn’t be writing a third book because there wasn’t a “broad enough audience to support continuing the series.” I suppose people aren’t that interested in a “political thriller” involving the government set in Washington DC. But the second book ended on a cliffhanger and wasn’t a satisfying ending at all, so :(

I don’t have a lot to say about these books—they were just decent, not super good or bad. I didn’t expect to be interested in a “political thriller” to be honest, but I think it did a pretty good job with that. I just didn’t feel that strongly about it.

In true Jennifer Lynn Barnes fashion, there were many, many betrayals and surprises. Some of them were from minor characters the main character didn’t suspect, while others the main character did have suspicions about. The only REALLY shocking betrayal was Henry’s (Spoiler alert, oops), but for some reason it didn’t seem that bad in general. I mean, he did take a bullet for Tess at the end and it never really felt real.

Tess’s romantic interest was also developed very similar to how Cassie’s was in The Naturals. In both books, the romantic interest only became clear in the second book, and the series were mostly devoid of romance. I think that wasn’t a bad decision in these cases, and Barnes makes it work pretty well. I think we needed more books in this series to really see Tess x Henry develop.

I suspect in the next books Barnes would have planned for some characters well known to the reader to turn out to be evil, such as President Nolan, Georgie, or William Keyes. But I guess we’ll never know.