Ria's Book Blog

The Debutantes Series


October 15, 2020

The Debutantes series, which includes Little White Lies and Deadly Little Scandals, by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, made me just resent how high-class society was presented in the book.

Don't Read the Comments


October 12, 2020

My original reaction to the premise of Don’t Read the Comments by Eric Smith was that the world didn’t need a gaming/streamer meet cute. After reading it, I can say I was at least partly wrong.

UPDATE: A Sesame Street Romance


September 19, 2020

In this article I’ll be discussing the progress of the romance between Prince Elmo of Labland and Princess Rainflower of Mrowtown complete with STEAMY details and INSIDER interviews!!

The Fixer Duology


September 17, 2020

I guess I liked this series: Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ writing style is consistent and pretty decent. Unfortunately, other readers must have not felt the same way because Barnes said that she wouldn’t be writing a third book because there wasn’t a “broad enough audience to support continuing the series.”

A Girl Named Digit


September 12, 2020

A Girl Named Digit by Annabel Monaghan is one a non-mainstream book that I recently read because it was spy-themed ish. I had a spy themed phase after the Gallagher Girls so this was one of the related books I wanted to try. Just to preface this, some of those related spy themed books (like the Naturals) were pretty good. This one, however, was not.

The Arc of a Scythe Series


September 7, 2020

The Arc of a Scythe series, which includes Scythe, Thunderhead, and The Toll, by Neal Shusterman was both interesting and boring at the same time. The author’s writing and futuristic vision is really impressive. The books are told from numerous different and seemingly random perspectives, and the way Shusterman weaves all them together is really satisfying.

Counter Stories


September 1, 2020

In my senior year of high school, my AP Lit teacher, Mrs. Locken assigned us to write a counter story. The exercise was basically to write about an experience or event that wasn’t as perfect or ideal as it seemed (sort of like expectation vs reality).

My Summer 2020 (and Quarantine so far...)


August 31, 2020

School starts tomorrow, so I thought this would be a good time to reflect on this summer. This summer/quarantine has been one of the most productive (loosely defined to include creativity :) periods of time for me.

The Naturals Series


August 28, 2020

I generally stay away from murder-mysteries because they’re creepy and make me scared of the dark at night... But the Naturals was a pretty good read, and not even that scary (it is published by Disney Hyperion…).

Why I Quit Writing Fiction


August 26, 2020

Since I read an unholy amount of YA books, one day I got it in my head to try writing some myself. I was a little intimidated and didn’t trust myself to write a compelling story, so I asked a top-secret snowflake for help. Here’s what we came up.

The Thousandth Floor


August 25, 2020

The first time I read The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee was around three years ago. I don’t remember much besides that I only had a couple of characters I was rooting for. I tried reading it again last week, and I couldn’t even get past page 100.

A Sesame Street Romance


August 24, 2020

We’ve all been wondering about Sesame Street’s It couple. I know I have! This article reveals exactly what the relationship between Prince Elmo of Labland and Princess Reema of Mrow-Town is, with steamy details as well as insider interviews!!

The Folk of the Air Trilogy


August 23, 2020

The Folk of the Air trilogy by Holly Black was pretty amazing. Although it has some flaws, the pace and tone of the book was completely enthralling. I literally couldn’t put it down without some persuasion.

Stwecret Wish List!


August 20, 2020

Just to preface this, I don’t actually really want any of these things, for reasons I’ll explain. But they’re still nice to want to want :)



August 13, 2020

Geekerella might be the MOST cringey book I have ever read (!) Honestly, some of these meet-cute type stories get by just by being cute (like Tweet Cute, Tell Me Three Things). Geekerella couldn’t even get that right.

Carry On

Carry On

August 13, 2020

One of my all time favorite books!! I've reread this SO many times (maybe around 5/6?) and it is just perfect.

I named a top secret undercover agent after Baz because I liked the name so much! Also, it's totally the Harry x Draco canon we didn't get from the HP books..

Tell me Three Things

Tell me Three Things

August 11, 2020

To be honest, there’s a lot to criticize about this book. But, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, even if it was a tiny part of me that really liked the (predictable!) meet-cute trope.

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

August 4, 2020

This book was much more reflective, mature, and realistic than the books I normally read. Reading it made me realize why it is a good idea to stick to the books I normally read…

Gallagher Girls

Gallagher Girls

August 4, 2020

When I first read the Gallagher Girls, I loved it so much that I finished it in less than a week! And that was just two weeks ago...