Ria's Book Blog

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

August 4, 2020

This book was much more reflective, mature, and realistic than the books I normally read. Reading it made me realize why it is a good idea to stick to the books I normally read…

I’m really impressed by how strikingly real this book felt. Of all the books I’ve read in the past, none of them were as self-aware or as accurate at describing simple relationships many take for granted.

I also can’t imagine the bravery it took for David Sedaris to write and publish this. Family is personal—a closed sphere—and to write about the intricacies of his own flawed family out for the world to judge couldn’t have been easy.

I did think the book was depressing a lot of the time—which is why I said I might prefer to stick to the books I normally read. Don’t get me wrong thought—I still thought it was interesting and finished it pretty quickly. Maybe the reason I prefer YA novels over this one is because reality is much more depressing than fiction can ever hope to be.