Ria's Book Blog

Tell me Three Things

Tell me Three Things

August 11, 2020

To be honest, there’s a lot to criticize about this book. But, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, even if it was a tiny part of me that really liked the (predictable!) meet-cute trope.

Now to the criticism!

1. California Stereotypes: This book felt like it was written by someone who’s clearly put little to no time researching life in California. No, Californian girls are not all “white, blonde, thin, and half-naked.” There’s actually a high Asian and Hispanic population.

2. Hypocrisy about Feminism: For a so-called ‘feminist’ Jessie sure does stereotype other girls a lot. Uses the b-word constantly to describe other girls and constantly implies she’s somehow better than the other “vacant-eyed Barbie and Ken Dolls.” Honestly, the next quote is just weird:

“I quickly snap a selfie of me alone on a bench with my half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I smile instead of pout, though, and label with the hashtag #Day14. Those blondes would pout, turn it into an I’m so sexy picture, and then Instagram it. “Look how hot I am not eating my sandwich!””

I mean, wtf? Get off your high horse, Jessie, it’s not that big of a deal.

3. Multiple attractive boys falling for average narrator for no apparent reason trope: Do I need to say any more??

4. Unrealistic Text Messages with SN: First of all: the name Somebody Nobody. He really couldn’t pick a cooler sounding pseudonym? It’s not hard—there’s Count Von Count, Cookie Monster, Mr. Snuffleupagus, and many more.

Also, some of the conversations didn’t sound real. As a special snowflake put it, “I’ve heard robots that sound more human than those two texting.” And the texts just try too hard to be modern and relatable and use slang—to the point where it’s annoying to some readers.

Something the book did sort of well was that the identity of SN wasn’t completely obvious. The author had me guessing between Ethan, Liam, Caleb, (and maybe Theo? But not really). I always rooted for Ethan but never knew for sure.

I will say that I’m glad it was.